I spend a lot of time
on You Tube, in my opinion it’s best place besides the social networking
places, mainly due to the stuff you find on there. Despite selling out to
Google and getting greedy it’s a great place to find useful videos but also has
a lot of random bull crap on there as
well. That’s what I am talking about in this piece and maybe a few others, the
random bull crap you can find on here.
Due to limited time I
am simplifying the template a little bit for this topic.
When most people think
of TV, they think of general stuff. But
in the last few years it seems a whole genre has been made about shows that
have fighting in it, Jerry Springer is the best known example of this, but I
like the unintentional fights the best, not the staged stuff like on Springer
(Yes it’s staged, they admitted it. The people and issues are real but the rest
not so much.) So I picked just a few of these unintentional fights that I have
just found to entertaining, crazy, or just stupidly awesome.
No list or anything,
but just a few to wet the appetites of the ladies, and to get the guy’s… Oh
wait this is a general audience blog, I forgot about that…
Random TV FIGHTS From You Tube:
Jerry "The King" Lawler
vs. Andy Kaufman
Most wrestling fans
today know Jerry Lawler from Monday Night Raw as he has been the TV announcer
on the show for almost 20 years. But not many know his wrestling career, as he
was the King of Southern Wrestling as well as the head wrestler in Memphis, he
was pretty accomplished. This was when wrestling was just about wrestling and
no characters, music, fireworks, and soap opera stuff.
(This is Serious Stuff compared to nowadays..)
Then came Andy Kaufman,
who was a popular comedian of the late 70’s/early 80’s. He was discovered on
Saturday Night Live by doing random as hell comedy and eventually got on the TV
Show “Taxi” where he is best known for playing some Foreign guy. He alos loved
wrestling and made a gimmick of going around wrestling, and doing rather well
against woman. However he eventually challenged Lawler and of course, he lost.
Lawler made a fool out of him and he “broke his neck.”
(Just no simple words could do this justice. He looks like a preppy beaver!)
They eventually went on
Letterman to make up, but however it did not go very well at all. Lawler acted
his usual self and Kaufman ran his mouth, and eventually The King had enough
and owned the ever loving crap out of him.
Watch 9:00 and on, as
the shit hits the fan.
I don’t know what was
funnier: The Slap or the randomly placed funk music, both are pretty damn
The fun keeps on after the
slap, as Kaufman gets the curse bug and goes all out, which was a major no-no
for TV at the time. He got in trouble for it and was one of the many things
that downed his career before he died in 1984. A biography was later made
about him “Man on The Moon” in 1999 with Jim Carrey playing him, it was really good. It
showed how much of a Troll he really was.
(Probably my favorite Jim Carrey drama)
Do you want to know
what the best part was? This all was fake and the two were friends!
Screech vs. Drill
Saved By The Bell is
the standard kids show for many years, and Screech was the annoying guy on most
of every show. But yet he was popular somehow, and managed to stay on through
it’s run. However he hit his 15 minute when the final show was aired, and he
fell deservingly into obscurity.
(I feel horrible even wasting time with this caption. What a waste of space)
At least that was until
he joined the VH1 reality show “Celebrity Fit Club” where he made an ass out of
himself on a weekly basis. He thought he was “in-demand” because he had a sex
tape, and very crappy one at that (I mean, who would want to watch that?) He made everyone mad at him, and proceeded to
not lose any weight, in fact he gained a good deal. The show had 3 judges including a drill sergeant
as the main judge, and he particularly didn’t admire Screech’s laziness.
(Yeah, I wouldn't want to mess with this guy unless I wanted a broke neck)
About halfway through
the show, Screech pretty much aliented everybody due to threatening to “fight
everyone” because he was such trying to be a BA. Supposidly people like "tough but washed up celbs"
But of course it didn’t work and he managed to piss off the Drill Seargant, which resulted in some classic stuff. The Drill Sargent was out for blood and it almost was it for Mr. Nerd..
But of course it didn’t work and he managed to piss off the Drill Seargant, which resulted in some classic stuff. The Drill Sargent was out for blood and it almost was it for Mr. Nerd..
Boy that was fun to
watch. Sadly the longer and better clip's not able to be choose apparently. That sucks..
Jim Rome Gets Owned:
Jim Rome has a rep of
being the one guy who likes to talk and sometimes back it up, most of the time
not so much. He had a show on ESPN for a which was good but he ran to CBS and
has not been seen on standard TV since. My feeling to that was meh. He was okay
I guess.
His best known moment
was perhaps the incident where he was dominated by ex NFL QB Jim Everett of the
Saints and Rams. Everett had a rep of not liking to get hit and took slides
where for example he could have ran and got a first down. This pretty much
ruined his career and Rome took advantage of that giving Everett the nickname “Chris Everett” after the mega babe tennis player. While she was not that bad, Jim
hated being called an effeminate player.
(Not hot in Modern terms, but in 1978 she was the Danica Patrick esque Sports Babe of her day)
This all came to a head
when Everett went on a ESPN 2 show where Rome was the host, and he could not
avoid calling Everett “Chris”. It was
supposed to be a nice little interview but that went out the window when Rome
said “Check that Chris Everett!” The guy was asking for it, and boy was it
Russian Crazyness:
And last but not least
is this little gem. Very rarely do I watch something so bat-crapping insane
but yet do I love it. And why should I? There is a ton of violence here from
random superkicks to shoving and random Russian yelling, but to be honest, what else is there to
love here?!
It all started with a
dating show (that’s what this was) some guy was fixing to get laid and eventually married,
but he was not too happy to find out that the woman he liked was really once a guy, and he was so mad that he decided to give his kick reflex some action. Classic Madness follows and is in my opinion the best TV fight I have ever seen. This is amazing.
And as a result this craziness
occurred and a You Tube legend was born. My words can’t do this justice so
please watch!
Kind of slack, but this is meant to be a quick and just random feature. I figured this would be best to do after being gone for two days.
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