Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The High School Experience: My Thoughts and Advice

My high school experience was one of uniqueness that only I experienced, but at the same time it’s similar to what is seen in countless movies over the years.  At times it was really fun and enjoyable, but yet other times it was a living hell for others.  While I enjoyed my time there, it’s kind of a death sentence in a way watching the new kids come up through the ranks knowing what will happen to them. It’s not something for the timid that’s for sure.

There are a few universal truths about high school that everyone should know about:

1.Your bound to change in many ways and forms. Girls develop into women and their bodies/personalities change and guys usually become men (but some just never grow up). Most important is your personality, you will be surprised by the changes from when your 13 to 18. It took me until I was junior to become my current self with the “IDGAF” attitude towards stuff. But this period is really important for you evolution to adulthood.

2.You lose your longtime friends but gain some new ones.  My best friend went to the early college so I was out of my element for a bit, but by year 2 I felt normal again. I made several new high school and a few lifelong friends. It was not easy but I had a good time finding new faces, but it was sad watching old ones decline.

3. Cliques are a way of life.  My high school had many of them:  Athletes, Rednecks, Religous Based People, Racial Groups,  Emos, Druggies, Pricks, and even more than that.   Your expected to join one of these or your considered a rebel, and that’s what I was.  I consider it a matter of pride that I was un-classifyable, because in that way I was telling everyone to go F*ck theirselves.

4.Drama sucks your soul out.  Every day some bull crap is started over anything. These kids love to argue with each other and it can be addictive. It’s rather pathetic if you ask me, because if your forced to participate in it, then you sink to their level. Drama lovers rank plenty low on my universal value chart.

5. Dating’s Tough. I never once got to the perfect 10’s. Why you may ask? Because a good majority of them had sticks up their ass towards me. I was too “unusual” for them and not perfect enough, so I never had a chance. There were some angels in the mix, but they were way too hard to find and I only knew a few of them. I am still friends with those ladies. But the bitty's? No thanks.  In that way I am glad I did not end up with any of them, because I want a lady who considers me perfect. That’s one thing these kids don’t realize, and they go for the perfect kids, who then spend a dramatic and hectic relationship for a good period of time. I’m glad I never experienced that.

Everyone might think I am making high school sound negative, but I am not. Instead I am using this as sort of a warning, high school and your golden teenage years are what you make of it. If you handle it like a pro you could have the best years of your life, but if you’re a ho, jerk, or extremely stuck up, then karma can be a bitty.

I had a decent time when I was that age. I was an athlete (even if I was not meant to be one) and just all around nice to everyone. Could I have had more fun, yes. Could I have been more of a typical guy, yes. But to a point I am glad I did not do these things, mainly because I would have sold myself out for attention, and that’s not the way to go. In some ways it’s actually worse than being a sexual ho, if that makes since. Your soul and self-worth seizes to exist, and you probably will never get it back.
I thought I lost mine after I graduated, but it was really in hiding all that time, I just did not know it.  High School can leave some of you jaded, but it's always fixable.

But anyways I’m stalling here. If you just want one piece of advice from me here it is:

Be true to yourself, and everything you always wanted will come to you. It all starts in high school, as the things you experience are trial versions of real life. Do it all right, you’ll be set for life, but if you screw it up, good luck at everything else, your shit out of luck.

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