Friday, June 7, 2013

Why Life Matters (Promoted By Giving Advice)

Someone the other day asked me why life even matters/ why is it important?  And to be honest that really saddened me because  that issue should not be one to discourage or mock. Your life is the most important thing you have because once it’s done your history. You only have once chance and it’s a few years then you’re gone and you see darkness for a good long while, unless there really is a heaven/hell (which one person believes while another does not, not getting into that though.)

But to the be fair to the person in question, he was a teenager who just broke up with his first GF, was in a first time situation. Most of everyone’s been there before, that moment you just feel like a failure and hate everything, and I am a master of dealing with it. So I gave this kid a pep talk that followed listing to his situation.  And to be honest it was one of my better ones, and I even remembered what I said:

“Young Man, your girl was being a witch, and trust me the world’s full of them.  You would be surprised how many of them exist. But you know what? She’s not worth questioning your life and wishing it would end. Odds are she will regret dumping you one of these days, but it means more for you to actually you know be alive because if you’re dead she will be talking to you at your grave and that’s no fun.  Even if you two end up as total strangers you’ll end up with someone else, its human nature.  Now quit being silly young man, pick yourself up, straighten your head, and go have a good time. Now go, move along…”

You see, I did that whole monologue without mention that crappy YOLO phrase (besides just now of course.) It worked, the kid picked himself up and acted like normal, if my generation would have had that help we could have been alright.

Life is not nothing to despise or mock, it’s rather precious and important. Don’t take it for granted and do things the way you should, and don’t be one of these people including myself who thinks about their mistakes. Because it creates stress and stress is no good for anyone and it could even take years off your life (or so a guy from the DMV told me, and I believed him.)

I see many people who are like that kid, and it saddens me. It shouldn’t be that way, and I know it’s not possible to be totally happy 24/7 but being a better person at the end of the day is much better.  Be proud of who you are, even if you’re a flawed individual or one who is considered a freak, because sometimes it is cool to be unperfect, even if society hates that.  Because in that way your telling Popular Society to go F itself, and I love it.   

Now, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be working away on my main stuff and I will be ready to go on Monday. I will see/hear from everyone on the flipside!

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